Freedom & Bliss Program

  • Are you successful but still not fulfilled? 

  • Do you want to operate at your highest potential? 

  • Do you want deep inner peace instead of stress? 

  • Do you want to feel relaxed and excited about your life? 

  • Do you want to expand your leadership legacy?

  • Do you value being in peak shape - mind, body & spirit?

If you answered yes, you are not alone.


This program was conceived to address the human condition - the underlying dissatisfaction that hides beneath layers of success, distraction, and ambition. It manifests as a mild unease or escalates to chronic stress and hopelessness.

The Freedom & Bliss program focuses on both the intrinsic drivers of happiness, as well as the external habits that drive overall well-being.

The result? A transformational shift in individuals' perception of life, effectively converting stress and discomfort into an inner sense of liberation and deep contentment.


You will experience these results:

  • Peace of Mind
    A frequent experience of calm, clarity, and centeredness. 
  • Peak Health & Wellbeing
    Personalized daily habits that optimize mental, emotional and physical health.
  • Wholeness
    A new experience of inner harmony and accompanying contentment. 
  • Energy
    Increased and steady vitality
  • Aliveness
    Increased excitement about your life on a regular basis.
  • Productivity
    Creating the vision in your heart with ease
  • Agility
    Quickly and easily adapt to changing life circumstances.
  • Resilience
    Increased capacity to walk through difficult circumstances
  • Fulfilling connection
    Improved communication in relationships, especially with yourself
  • Self-efficacy
    Increased belief in your own abilities and strengths
  • Awareness
    Increased ability to reflect on your emotions, attitudes, and situations
  • Presence
    Increased capacity to be in the moment and dance with life


The program is highly effective in delivering these results because it is fully integrated and holistic. 

There are many programs that focus on just physical health, just emotional health, just mindset, just meditation, just coaching, etc. These are all valuable. However, they fail to align the reality of being human - we are a complex, interrelated system of systems - both internally and externally. Making adjustments in one area impacts all the systems. 

The Freedom & Bliss program allows for the integration of various systems. We begin with the physical body and work our way into the subtler emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.

Integrated B.L.I.S.S. Method

Be in your body

You will go from being stressed and disconnected from the body to rested, healthy, present and feeling more connected. 

Before: Irregular exercise, impulsive eating, lack of sleep, can't slow down to enjoy life, on a hamster wheel of chronic stress.

After: Feel fully connected to your body, and explore what it feels like to receive life without giving into outside pressure. Master creating space for resting and pleasure to unlock creativity and higher levels of energy and productivity. Whether you are at home or at work you will be fully present.

How: Daily meditation, mindfulness, somatic practices, Qi gong, detoxing old habits, mindful eating.

“Coaching with John accelerated my ability to develop new habits that have transformed my career and my personal happiness.”
- Adam Whipple, Technical Program Manager at Google

Love your emotions

You will go from feeling overwhelmed with difficult emotions to feeling steady, grounded in self-love and self-compassion. You'll experience emotions without hiding from them or becoming lost in them. You'll learn how to use difficult emotions as road signs for healing and self-transformation.

Before: Suppressing/avoiding and making difficult emotions wrong, stress from people pleasing, conflict, indecisiveness and confusion. 

After: You will realize that the most unpleasant emotions are the greatest opportunity, mirroring what remains unhealed. We will witness the unhealed parts of you, and free you from repeating patterns. Then you can experience deep satisfaction, happiness and abundance. Said simply, you will learn how to have emotions without the emotions having you.

How: Internal Family Systems, somatic trauma release, neuro linguistic programming, loving kindness meditation, practical forgiveness techniques, gratitude practice, heart-opening practices. 

“I was able to create time and space for myself and improved my personal health, mental peace of mind, and gained clarity to who I truly am. For relationships, I was able to enhance my communication with family members, personal relationships, and continue to create better relations with everyone in my life. 
- Ashkan Afkhami, Managing Director & Partner at BCG

Ignite your intuition

Your gut will lead you to the greatest opportunities of your life to expand into your highest self.

Before: Disconnected from gut sense due to noise of the world and the mind, lacking clear guidance, indecisiveness/overthinking, perfectionism, being ruled by fear of failure or not being able to provide for yourself or those you love. 

After: You master listening to the still small voice that's always there and feel a deepening sense of peace from being in alignment with your higher self. You will flow from more clarity towards fulfillment.

How: Communication tools to express your truth with clarity and confidence, self-expression practices, taking action based on intuition to strengthen its voice, learning to set and maintain luxurious boundaries, embracing playfulness, connecting with your creativity and joy, meditation techniques to quiet the mind into stillness.

"John has enabled me to take my business to another level by helping me to access my own intuition via mindfulness practices, and to shift to a more inviting presence. The result: Within two weeks of our first coaching, I had several new leads and 1 new client."
- Sarah Sutton, Head of Coaching at Truce, LLC

Surf your mind

You go from operating from a noisy fear based mind to experiencing peace of mind, spacious presence, and clarity, no matter the circumstances.

Before: Not being able to control the mind or incessant/compulsive thought patterns, restlessness or stagnation, having a hard time letting go of thoughts re: business, problems, fears. Not being present with your loved ones. 

After: Mental clarity, less identified with thoughts and instead experiencing yourself as the observer and master of your thoughts. Experience a sense of freedom and peace despite whatever thoughts may be occurring.

How: Deeper meditation techniques, understanding the mind’s tricks and how to not be caught in them.

“John managed to get me thinking along dimensions that I'd never thought before. He helped me organize my thoughts, set realistic and achievable goals (personal, professional and wellness) for myself, and figure out areas in my life that could do with some upliftment.”
- Hamzah Ansari, Lecturer in Innocation and Entrepreneurship at Brown University

Shine your spirit

Experience a deep fulfillment from living to your full potential, elevated levels of consciousness and fulfilling your purpose.

Before: Not taking time and not knowing how to connect with soul and spirit, missing a sense of fulfillment or purpose, not sure what's next/what now, feeling lost despite societal success status

After: Experience a deep sense of peace and bliss as you connect to your Spirit. Experience a deep sense of wholeness. Remaining centered and peaceful under any life circumstance. A daily experience of inner freedom and bliss, regardless of any external circumstances. 

How: Deeper meditations to elevate consciousness, an understanding of Spiritual Energy - how to increase it to a sustained flow state. 

"In the open space John created, I did more work of letting go, accepting, and moving forward than I ever thought possible for such a short period of time. There is more space in my home, in my mind, and in my heart.”
- Kerri Hansen, Jewelry Designer


Program Elements

Online course

When you sign up for Freedom & Bliss, you’ll receive immediate access to the complete online course. It’s a 3 month, self-paced course including short bite-sized video modules, recorded meditations, and reflection questions. The online course is designed to be completed in just 90 minutes per week for 12 weeks. 

Once you’re in the program, you get lifetime access, including all future updates or additional content free of charge. Modules unlock as you go, designed to support you with accountability.

Weekly LIVE Coaching

Whether you’re getting coached personally or learning from the coaching of others, group coaching is vital in transforming your mindset and developing new habits. These 1 hour calls are led by John and packed with value. Join LIVE every week, and/or watch the recording in our member portal.

The focus is on:

  • Applying the tools and practices from the program
  • Removing inner blockages
  • Answering questions
  • Committing to actions for the week
  • Connecting to a powerful and supportive community by sharing authentically

Weekly LIVE Meditation

Whether you are new to meditation or a pro, meditating as a group deepens the practice for all who participate. John leads a 15 minute meditation, followed by 15 minutes of open sharing about the experience.

These are an integral part of the transformation of the program, as well as a bolster to strengthen your own daily meditation practice.

Access to Online Community

Whether it’s celebrating your breakthroughs or asking for support with breakdowns, our online community is the place to share.

Dive into the support, experiences, celebrations, and encouragement found in a like minded and motivated group of peers.  This community was created to deepen your learning and transformation.

Weekly Reflection Prompts & Journaling

After each module, you have the opportunity to reflect and answer questions about what you learned. This deepens the learning and will apply what you’re learning to your life.

All of your responses are saved and can be accessed for later review and reflections.

1-to-1 Coaching (for VIPs)

When you sign up as a VIP, you receive 3 monthly 30-minute coaching sessions.

These are 1-on-1 virtual meetings, fully customized to your unique needs. They are designed to deepen and accelerate your individual progress



Masterclass on Limitless Joy

  • 1 hour training led by John on how to use difficult emotions as road signs to healing. The result is increasing your capacity to experience joy.

Lifetime Access

  • Lifetime access to online community where you can continue to share your experiences and support each other

Additional Bonuses for Pay in Full and Fast Action:

  • 1-to-1 30-minute Coaching session with John ($500 value)

  • 20% discount to all in-person retreats and events for 12 months

  • $500 cash prize if you complete 100% of the online program in 12 weeks


This program is guaranteed.

You either have reduced stress and increased peace of mind, or we give you all your money back. 

Here’s how it works. If you:

  • Complete the entire online program

  • Attend 75% of group coaching calls

  • Apply the daily schedule and practices 

And you do not experience reduced stress and increased peace of mind by the completion date of the program, let us know within 7 days and you will receive all of your money back. 


Are You Ready?

If something inside of you resonated while reading this page, then I invite you to join the program now. A completely new experience of life awaits you.

All you have to do is say Yes.

15 Modules

Modules for this service 15
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Personal Information

Payment Options

 Pay in Full
 $2,000.00 USD
 3 months payment plan
 $749.00 USD  ( then $749.00 USD for 2 months )

How do you want to pay?

Credit/Debit Card
No payment method needed.

I agree to the Terms of Service:  The parties agree that this agreement may be executed electronically, and the check of this box shall be deemed to be the client's signature for purposes of this Agreement.

Waiver, Release and Indemnity Agreement; Consent and Acknowledgment:
  • I, the undersigned, in consideration for being allowed to participate in coaching operated by John T. Griffith Coaching ("JTG"), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, consent to and acknowledge the following:

    I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby release, discharge, and agree not to sue JTG, and all its respective agents, affiliates, officers, directors, contractors, owners and employees (collectively "Releasees") from any and all demands, losses, or damages on account of any psychological injury or physical injury or damage caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by Releasees or any other party's actions, inactions, or otherwise, including but not limited to the negligence of Releases, including but not limited to claims that arise out of psychological activity or physical exercises facilitated by JTG. I also agree to defend and indemnify Releasees from and against any and all third party claims caused in whole or in part by my actions.

    Client hereby contracts with JTG for professional coaching for the purpose of supporting the Client with respect to his/her self-awareness, vision and goals, and strategic plans. Your coach has experience in such matters and agrees to render such coaching services. Under the terms of this contract, Client agrees not to sue or pursue legal action against JTG. Client understands and JTG agrees that they are not an employment agent, financial analyst, psychotherapist, doctor, nutritionist or business manager. JTG has not promised, shall not be obligated to, and will not:

    1) procure or attempt to procure employment, business or sales for the client

    2) perform accounting services, tax advising or investment counseling or

    3) act as a therapist, providing psychological counseling, psychoanalysis or behavioral therapy.

    Coaching is for individuals who are emotionally and psychologically sound and who want to make changes and move forward in their lives. Coaching is not advice, therapy or counseling. Client understands that the coaching process can be rigorous and is designed to bring people outside of their comfort zones. Client acknowledges that he/she is adequately equipped for the challenges of coaching.

    I have read and understood this Agreement and I agree to all terms and conditions 

Yes, I agree to receive your emails and be added to your Freedom & Bliss email list. I know I can opt out any time.

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